Dry Eye Quiz Results Dry Eye Quiz Results Thank you for taking the dry eye quiz. Your score:0-10 You do not display symptoms of dry eyes. However even people without dry eyes may experience some symptoms if they do not take care of their eyes properly. If you experience symptoms after using digital devices, speak to an optometrist about blinking, 202020 rule, blue light, and computer glasses. If you experience dry eyes at night consider turning the heat down or using a humidifier. 10-20 You display mild dry eye symptoms. If you experience symptoms after using digital devices, speak to an optometrist about blinking, 202020 rule, blue light, and computer glasses. If you experience dry eyes at night consider turning the heat down or using a humidifier. Speak to your optometrist about the best eye drops for your type of dry eyes, and if you wear contact lenses find out from your optometrist what the best options are for your eyes. 20-30 You display symptoms of someone that has moderate dry eyes due to either chronic dry eyes, Blepharitis or Meibomian Gland Disorder. Over time dry eyes can have permanent effect such as damaging the surface of your cornea and affecting vision. It is our recommendation to schedule a dry eye exam with your optometrist. 30-40 You display symptoms of someone with severe dry eyes due to either chronic dry eyes, Blepharitis or Meibomian Gland Disorder. Over time dry eyes can have permanent effect such as damaging the surface of your cornea and affecting vision. It is our recommendation to schedule a dry eye exam with your optometrist. We take the time to thoroughly understand the underlying issues causing your symptoms. You can give us a call: NYC (646) 846-8130 NJ (973) 419-5340Should our practice contact you Yes No PhoneCall NJ (973) 419-5340 Call NYC (646) 846-8130 Δ